Vernal Theatre: LIVE FAQs
Vernal Theatre: LIVE is bringing life to small town Vernal, Utah and
opportunities to an entire community. We hope you will come
often to discover the wonders of the Arts.

QUESTION: Are your shows family-friendly?
ANSWER: We strive to ensure that all our productions at VT:L would receive a PG rating. However, there are some shows that are scary, some that deal with hard things (ie death, illness, etc), and some shows that while not having anything inappropriate in them, may not be understood or enjoyed by children. We encourage you to determine for yourself if your child should attend any production at the theatre and we will include a recommended age on any production that may need it for content.
(Ie: our productions of “Wait Until Dark” and “A Tale of Two Cities” we recommended for ages 10+ due to content. You know your child best and we support you in making the best decision for them.)
QUESTION: Can I bring my baby / does my kid need a ticket if they just sit on my lap?
ANSWER: All patrons need a ticket regardless of age. Due to Utah State Fire Code, we cannot permit lap-sitters. We encourage you to make sure your child can sit quietly through a two-hour production before bringing them to a show at the theatre.

QUESTION: Why don’t you do more kid’s shows?
ANSWER: We are a community theatre and so we do shows for all members of our community. We do one exclusively-youth show each year, plus one show during our regular season that includes young actors. Kids looking for more opportunities to participate are encouraged to take classes, do the shows they can do, and get involved in their theatre classes in school.

QUESTION: How do we audition?
ANSWER: All audition information will be posted as it becomes available at We also include tips for auditioning and what you will need to prepare for the audition. Questions can be directed to
QUESTION: How do I get involved?
ANSWER: We love having production team and stage crew help! Email to learn about upcoming opportunities – if you are new to the theatre scene, we will train you to succeed.

QUESTION: Do you record your shows?
ANSWER: Every performance of a production requires that a royalty fee be paid. That includes recordings of performances. Some royalty companies prohibit recordings of their shows entirely. Some allow youth or school groups to do recordings for a fee. However, the fee to get permission to record a performance for community theatre is high and when adding to that the pay for a videographer to make a quality recording of a show, it becomes very difficult to afford.

“Quality performances by quality performers. You can’t get better in a small town.”

“Each production is directed by a different director and the vision they bring to life is outstanding.”

“So grateful to have these opportunities in our small town. As a performer and audience member, the community thrives because of Vernal Theatre: LIVE.”

“Always a wonderful show.”